What is the Holy Names Class Connector Program?
A close-knit alumnae community is a critical component of Holy Names’ current and future prosperity. The Alumnae Class Connector Program is a network of alumnae volunteers that works to strengthen the alumnae community by sharing news and information among classmates, as well as between the school and other alumnae. Connectors represent the members of their class and are the liaisons with Holy Names with the goal of enriching the alumna experience. Class Connectors also help locate missing classmates, recruit additional Class Connectors, and encourage classmates to participate in alumnae programs, especially Reunion Weekend held in early October.
What Do Class Connectors Do?
These are exciting times at Holy Names, and there is much to share with our alumnae, from news to events; we also want to keep up to date with what’s happening in the lives of our alumnae. To keep these lines of communication open and active, we need you! Please consider serving as a Class Connector for your class. You can find a full description of the position here: Class Connector Position Description
If you would like to volunteer to be a Class Connector or have questions, please contact the Advancement Office at emcgarry@ahns.org or call 518-438-7895 Ext. 603.
To volunteer or ask a question,
Please contact …

Mrs. Elizabeth McGarry P '29
Le Moyne College, BA Sociology