By Dr. Martin Kilbridge
The premiere edition of EQV magazine came out recently. The stories highlight the many ways our current students and alumnae impact the world, especially in the fields of science and medicine.
The title of the magazine is drawn from our school motto, Esse Quam Videri, to be, rather than to seem. Our focus as a school has always been to form young women of substance and character who contribute to building a better world through the use of their intellect and the skills, knowledge, and values they develop here. The pressures young people have as they form their identities, especially in the age of social media, make our mission critically important to their lives and the lives of the people they will touch.
These themes were iterated by Father Sean O’Brien, OFM at this Wednesday’s All Saints Day Mass. He reflected on the origins and evolution of Halloween (All Hallows Eve) and the use of masks both literally and figuratively to hide our true identities. He urged us to take off those masks to be our authentic, loving selves. Doing so, he said, demands courage and humility. Our task at Holy Names is to build up the confidence of our young women to embrace who they are and to share their gifts, rather than hide behind facades or cave to the social pressures of being popular.
Rear Admiral Nancy Lacore ’86 began her presentation to assembled students on October 20 by boldly stating our motto. She went on to explain how that motto and the education she received at Holy Names prepared her for the challenges of decision making in the Navy and as a mother. She credits Holy Names for helping her develop her core identity and the guiding principles by which she has lived her life. As one of a small cadre of women in high-profile positions in the US military and the mother of six, Admiral Lacore, is an outstanding example of a Holy Names graduate who has embraced a full life and remained true to her authentic self.
As we prepare for another Open House for prospective families next week, we are conscious of our obligation to continue our mission of offering the next generation of women leaders an education in character that will contribute to a better world.