Maximizing one’s potential is par for the course at Academy of the Holy Names. That goes for students and faculty alike. That’s why Jennifer Valentine, AHN’s new Assistant Director of College Counseling, seized the opportunity offered to also teach English.

“I actually taught at an all-girls, private Catholic school prior, so I know the deal,” Valentine says. “You can wear many different hats when you work at a private school.”

This is Mrs. Valentine’s first year teaching at the middle school level, and she says she’s really enjoying it. “Everything related to ELA is a priority for me, but I think stressing the importance of personal organization and reading comprehension skills are two things the girls will be hearing a lot about this year. My goal is to get my eighth graders prepared for high school. We also will be writing a research paper this year, so writing analytically and learning how to cite sources is also a skill I want to prioritize.”

As for her other “hat,” Assistant Director of College Counseling alongside Director Annemarie McGarry, Valentine says her prior work in admissions and enrollment at a private high school as well as college admissions give her a firm understanding of what educational institutions are looking for from prospective students. “I like that AHN treats college counseling like a course because not only does it greatly benefit our students, but on a personal level, it bridges my experience in admissions with my teaching experience. In this way, it’s the perfect position for me!”

Her best advice to students going through the admissions process? Be true to themselves. “Even though it feels like a huge decision right now and there is pressure to pick the absolute perfect college, you can always pivot and change course if you decide your choice wasn’t right for you. There is nothing wrong with changing trajectories as long as you feel like it is the right thing for you. Hopefully you will be pleased with the path you take, but if you decide to go in a different direction, that is okay.”

As happy as AHN is to have Mrs. Valentine on staff, she’s equally thrilled to join our community. “Everyone has been so welcoming and kind. When I was applying for positions at schools around the Capital Region, I was looking for an environment I felt was supportive and positive and I believe I have found that here.”