Help us illuminate our Bell Tower this holiday season by sponsoring a light in honor and/or in memory of a special family member or friend.

Each light you sponsor with a gift of $20 helps build our 1884 Fund, the cornerstone of our fundraising efforts. Through the power of collective giving, your gift helps light the way this Christmas season.

The names of those you wish to honor will be listed on our website during the holiday season, and their names will be read aloud during our annual Lighting of the Bell Tower ceremony.

Join Us December 12

On Thursday, December 12, we will be holding the annual Light of the Bell Tower after the Christmas Concert.

All students, parents, past parents, alumnae, and friends are invited to join us as we honor the loved ones represented by the lights, and Light the Bell Tower to signify the start of the Holy Names Christmas season. Please meet in the Commons at 7:15 p.m. for coffee, hot cocoa, and dessert. The ceremony will begin after the Christmas Concert, around 7:45 p.m.


Bell Tower Remembrances 2024

class=”memory” style=”text-align: center;”>IN MEMORY OF:

Brittany Boivin ’09

Meg Britt ‘59

John “Papa” Calabrese

Charlie Callahan

Lil Callahan

Gabriel Caprio

Timothy Caulfield

Class of 1959 Classmates

Sr. Francis Cleary

Juanita Coyle

JoAnn Cehowski Creighton

Carlo Cherubino 

Dr. and Mrs. H. Stephen Christenson

Mary Cummings

Deceased Members of the Class of 1961

Deceased Members of the Class of 1966

Francis Devane

Ruth Devane

Patricia DiMuria of the Class of 1970

Casey N. Frankoski

Gerren Faustini

Giuseppe Faustini

Theresa Dolores Ryan Frangella

Joan Garbinski

Antoinette Halayko

Lois Haselsteiner

Thomas B. Healy

Elizabeth  Hobart

Peter Hobart

Martin Hynes

Mary Hynes

Florence Kalandyk

Helen Kalandyk

John Kalandyk

Sophie Kalandyk

Walter Kalandyk

Maureen George Kelly ‘78

Linda “Nan” LaBoissiere

Jean H. Ladouceur

Corrado Marini

Cristina Marini

London Mayo

Albert Mazza

Angela Mazza

Anthony Mazza

Barbara Mazza

Kevin H. McBath

Jimmy McCarthy

Justin McCarthy

James J. McCoy

Edward McGovern

Mary McGovern

James McHugh

Margaret McKinley

Carol Turner Mitchell 1977

Celia Musto

John Musto

Elizabeth O’Connell

Thomas J. O’Connell

Thomas “Tim” O’Connell

Ladybird Olshan

Mowgli Olshan

Lynne O’Neill 1960

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Pallante

Joseph J. Pepe

Ellen A. Picotte

Ralph Pinto

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rogers

Kathy Rosch

Maureen Fitzgibbon Rose

Edward Ryan

Helen Ryan

Sr. Carol Ryan

Thomas Seymour

Thomas J. Shea Sr.

Marilyn Doring Simmons

Giacomo Sinisgalli

Nancy Sinisgalli

Chester Sowinski

Helen Sowinski

Viola Sowinski

Lynn Strunk

John Washington

Patricia Washington


In Honor Of:

Elizabeth Carlton ’28

Lily Carlton ’30

Teresa Carlton ’98